R. Kim Tipper Fine Violins
RKTV Contact Info: 1111 Esquimalt Road, Victoria, British Columbia, V9A 3N5, Canada, 250-588-1893, nomail@tipper-violins.com
Whitespace Cello Bows Click on the image
for more detailed photos
RICHARD GRÜNKE  * * * Flag of Germany
81.5 grams; length: 71.5 cm; balance point: 23.7 cm from the adjuster. A strong, beautiful and agile cello bow by a respected German maker. It has an octagonal pernambuco stick with an ivory tip face and gold wire grip. The gold mounted frog is of red-brown tortoiseshell. It has been carefully looked after by the present owner since 1983
$7,500 Bow Frog
REID HUDSON Flag of Canada
81 grams; balance point: 23 cm from the adjuster. One of Reid’s finest cello bows circa 1990. It has a strong octagonal stick with a mammoth ivory tip face and an imitation whalebone grip. The gold mounted frog is of mammoth ivory. See www.reidhudson.com.
$6,000 Bow Frog
REID HUDSON Flag of Canada
80 grams; length: 71.6 cm; balance point: 23.5 cm from the adjuster. A new silver mounted cello bow by Reid Hudson, average weight with a round stick, silver wire grip and an ebony frog. See www.reidhudson.com.
$5,000 Bow Frog
82.5 grams; length: 72.0 cm; balance point: 25.5 cm from the adjuster. A strong silver mounted cello bow by an alumnus of the bowmaking shop of W.E. Hill & Sons. Dated 1989 under the frog.
$4,500 Bow Frog
REID HUDSON Flag of Canada
80 grams; length: 71.3 cm; balance point: 23.5 cm from the adjuster. Bought new from the maker in 1994 and is in perfect condition. See www.reidhudson.com.
$4,500 Bow Frog
H  S Flag of Canada
81 grams; balance point: 23 cm from the adjuster. This cello bow is from the shop of Reid Hudson circa 2005. It has a round stick with a mammoth ivory tip face and a commercial silver mounted Frog and adjuster.
$3,000 Bow Frog
H  S Flag of Canada
82 grams; length: 71.3 cm; balance point: 24 cm from the adjuster. A silver mounted cello bow with a round stick by Reid Hudson, with a commercial frog and adjuster.
$3,000 Bow Frog
W.R.SCHUSTER Flag of Germany
78.5 grams; length: 71.5 cm; balance point: 24 cm from the adjuster. A nickel mounted German cello bow circa 1960 with an octagonal Brazilwood stick and snakeskin grip. Good condition.
$1,000 Bow Frog
Unbranded Flag of Germany
75 grams; length: 71.7 cm; balance point: 24 cm from the adjuster. A nickel mounted German cello bow circa 1950 with a round pernambuco stick. Good condition with some chips to the ebony of the frog.
$600 Bow Frog